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(B0225) KUMON Counting with Stickers 1-100



產品描述 本書收藏了大量不同的情景,再配以不同數量的物件或點點貼紙讓小朋友在黏貼的過程中學會1-100的數量點算。讓他們在充滿趣味的遊戲中,與數學變得親近。 •產地 : 北美設計,韓國印刷,美國直送 8.5 x 0.2 x 10.7 英吋,平裝版,31張,全彩。 This book collects numerous interesting situation and a variety of different items as well as dot stickers to let children learn how to count 1-100 when they are doing the sticking exercise. They will be familiar with Maths through this funny activity. •Printed in Korea, Imported from North America 8.5 x 0.2 x 10.7 inches. paperback. 31 sheets. full color. 供應商: KUMON
