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(B0101)KUMON My Book of Measurement: Weight (重量)



如果您的孩子熟悉磅和克,那麼這本書將建立在這個基礎之上,使用這本書作有趣而簡單的測量體重介紹,有助增強孩子數學的運算。 •產地 : 北美設計,中國印刷,美國直送 If your child is familiar with pounds and grams, then this book will build on that foundation. Use this book as a fun and easy introduction to measuring weight, which will help strengthen your child’s mathematical skills. •Printed in China, Imported from North America 8 1/4 x 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color. 供應商: KUMON
